Monday, March 23, 2009

A "Comic" of my life.

Ah, since i've been lazy to type-
heres a comic of my life for the past two days.
as for now, I'm screwed as I have not done any kind of work.
Ah, procrastination is bliss. Time for some left 4 dead.

Saturday 21/3/09
PS- Don't tell me I can't draw for crap. Unless it helps you pass 5 minutes? then why not lols


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friendly note to everyone (extremely important!!)

So, it has become fairly apparent that many people have fallen into our chinaman's tariff traps and become unexpected victims of his unprecedented cheapness.
CSI- Chinaman Scene Investigation:
Case 1: In McDonalds, Aryan gave Jaws a coupon (yes believe it!) to get cheaper food from the place. Unsuspectingly, jaws used the coupon to buy his lunch. Half way into his meal, our chinaman came into the picture, demanding half of jaw's hash brown. Oblivious to his motif, Aryan grabbed the hash brown and ate his "due amount" of hash brown.
Why? It's because he is Chinese.

Therefore, to everyone out there, please be cautious of this inconspicuous chinaman who lurks around places where there are discounts and sales.

Note: If he offers you free stuff... DONT accept it, you will remain in his debt for many years to come...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"chinese friendly ghetto"

So Jaws and Aryan randomly showed up at my place today.. (typical of two wankers :P:P ) and yeah we decided to head out somewhere "relatively fun". So we headed to Desa Park City, this place by my house. As we walked around, i thought to myself what are we doing in this boring ass high class ghetto. But courtesy of two adventurers in the name of jaws and chinaman, we decided to venture into uncharted territories, behind the great New Zealand ice cream bar. And then as we were admiring the steamboat (which i had never seen before but will soon see often), we glanced at what seemed to be greenland. As we drew closer to this mysterious area... WALAA, a new world beckoned. We spent 2 hours exploring this place our chinaman calls a "chinese friendly haven"( cause of the free facilities and all) . Speaking of chinaman, he was so upset that i hadn't come across this place in the 2 years that i've been here, and he being the chinaman that he is went about seizing every possible opportunity to flick my helpless little tities. Later on we came across these two hot chicks, one was taken and the other wasn't. Jaws and I were smart enough to know our limits. The chinaman on the other hand was tempted to go up and start a conversation with them. After exploring the place, we went over to Al Barkath to have dinner... and jaws ended up eating some tasteless mee goreng which cost him a bomb. (haahhhaahahha)
im bloody tired so someone else finish the story.

The Jas-Style - The Digi Wars with Darlie Toothpaste

One day while I was walking down the stairs of my house, I suddenly tripped and fell and realized that I had crossed into the magical land of narnia. Although medically it is known as a "coma" or colloquially as "Look at what that fucktard is doing", I leaped into the air and clenched my magical stick of energy and thrust myself at Azlan's feet. Although witness accounts of my story allege that I had knelt before that chinese cat that moves its paw, I have to say that Azlan was real.

His voice boomed to me, "Apply to Digi for low sms rates!" And I got up and said "Yes! Though that sounds so much like the TV ad where they were washing shampoo with hair, I'll do it!" And I got out and went about my journey. As I went out of the mystical castle, or as people say "Aryan's house", I saw a saw and a pair of spectacles. Cleverly, I took the the spectacles and glued it to the saw and shouted "HAHA! Fear me monsters of Narnia! I now have a 'see-saw'!" Immediately a large bear came in my way and slapped me on the head. Of course! I remembered suddenly. I forgot to brush my teeth!

So with my trusted see-saw, I plunged back into the depths of the castle and grabbed my Darlie toothpaste. On the way, this spectral creature which resembled my mom shouted "Don't run with that saw around!", but I knew I had to brush my teeth. But I knew thats what the Oompa Loompa's expected me to do, so I quickly grabbed Luke Skywalker's toothbrush, replaced it with my own and brushed the teeth on my saw. Quickly, rust started gathering and I smacked my head. Drats! Of course! The Oompa Loompa's expected me to EXPECT them expecting me to brush my teeth so they replaced my tooth paste with rust cream! CURSE YOU!!

Angered, I rushed to Wonka's Chocolate Factory and burst in saying "OOMPA LOOMPA'S!" But suddenly, this Indian man covered in hair resembling the batman costume appeared. I cursed at him "THATS WHY THEY CALL YOU THE DARK KNIGHT!" But before I knew it, the portal back to reality appeared and I was sucked back to reality- medically known as "waking from a coma", though people know this as "That fucktard finally got his senses". Turns out, I was in my bed trashing from a dream after reading Jas' unbelievably random post.

This is to you Jas,
You made me laugh lol.

Monday, March 16, 2009


First of all,

Ok, so i'm bored.
A week off from college.

Hmmm, this is what i did to pass time.
Pictures are from Yusur's birthday party
by Nique.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

You'll Never Walk Alone;

LIVERPOOL will win today.

You know that deep down in your heart that you love Rafa's team, Oh cmon Man U fans, After all, We've beaten you once already this year :).

I am so going to get screwed by jaws, d-raj, the next time they see me if Liverpool loses. Oh well.

Liverpool 6, Manchester United -1.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Breaking the j-style

Yet this has no substance.
No meaning.
Nothing of importance.

But on another note,I love my friends. Yes you nerds.

Thanks to Jaws, Aryan and Dhanraj, I will be making an utter fool of myself tomorrow.
Dragonball style!

the j-style is addictive

and simple yet effective. no story can be told, but who needs to hear one.

It Would've Been the Winter of my Discontent...

But there is no winter in malaysia. There is no cold air nor is there harsh wind, no snow nor hail, no frost-encrustations nor sharp icicles.

Well I'm lying abt the harsh wind part, but DAMN is it hot. Today my day started at 12pm, where it was not until 1 till i went to ac to meet up with jaws and possibly nawwar. And that was when i realized the heat. my briefs were sticking to my thighs and my shirt was getting wet... need i say more??

well anyways, heres a pic of them both, courtesy of jaws' blog : P :
Random shot, I swear.

heh heh... random sure...
well i'd post my own pics, except i didnt take any. my chinaman phone cant connect with usbs so yes. anyways, turns out it was quite a pleasant experience! Although, there was one name that would haunt me...


Ive included a pic so that it is more easily identifiable so that you can BLACKLIST this friggin place.

omfg if there was a restaurant that was chinese unfriendly and that cheap ppl should avoid, it is this one. We ordered a burger, some noodles, spaghetti, tea, coffee and mineral water and our bill was fucking RM55... what kind of cheap indian businessman operation are they running? Charging 5 fucking bucks for service tax when they didnt even clean up everything! Goddamn the greed of some people...

just because of this cursed name, i am now adding a black list of restaurants that should be condemned if u ever want to save some cash. Kenny Rogers and Secret Recipe has already been added to this list, as they charge service tax for no service at all. cheap bastards.

but the outing was good.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Its the J-style

I am bored at 3 am so I'm doing this to pass my time.

A song plays on while the moon is high.

I'd post something emo

but im generally happy : )

done- Julian style

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A model, an indian and a way to pass my time

First of all CONGRATS pras! you actually got into the finals!

its thanks to the support of your friends and family right ;)

so go us! and go ur parents : P

And now, a different perspective-

My parents went out awhile ago.
They wanted to go out for dinner and buy stuff.
And when they came back,
Look what they brought me...

Elvis 30 #1 hits & Queens greatest hits

posted on jaws' blog.

what would i do if my parents went out and bought me that...need i say more? lol
fuck elvis... he can take his suede shoes and...
well actually nt jst him..
fck music lol.
except trance.
peace for now ;)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My phone got stolen.

Everyone knows.

Makes me realise a few things.

Not everyones so great.

Barely awake, but thats all that matters right now, the transit and moments in between.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Still no goddamn posts

from my goddamn blog-mates. come onnn
why are u blog-mates if u dont post lol

but having an 'argument' cum (not sexual) conversation with a friend..

Conversations with a|2YaN

Random conversations are back! Woots

|_ | says:

i think im actually looking for hurt
Conversator 21 says:
im quite the worried abt you lah.
|_ | says:
as weird as it sounds
|_ | says:
Conversator 21 says:
definitely sounds weird.but we've got a word for that.
its called masochism
i think we're all masochistic.
in some way or other.
Conversator 21 says:
look it up brader

*Pause as a|2YaN looks in google. He finds:
Masochist- Someone who obtains pleasure from punishment.

|_ | says:
i dont like sm
Conversator 21 says:


Monday, March 2, 2009

When You Lose Something You Can't Replace...

you just have to pick yourself up and hope that that something irreplaceable is found. It is often times that we have to lose the most irreplaceable things in order to find the most valuable ones.


i just realized an influx of sudden depression and emotional-ness hanging around. so i decided to ask: "WTF IS UP"

i mean last week was already emotional enough... but this week seems like the beginning of the ending scene of Titanic. I wanna wipe my tears but.. cant seem to put my finger on them. anyways, Jaws posted this on his blog:

Workload is piling up, again.
The pain is mounting up.
It's getting harder by the day to put a smile on my face.
Let this end now.

World Issues is nagging at me.
It's like an alarm which never stops.
Here's a gun.
Someone just kill me now.
You're doing me a huge favor.
Trust me.

Ah, this is why i rarely get emo. Workload piling up? Fuck it. A subject nagging at me? Fuck it. Alarm that never stops? Fuck it. A gun to kill me now? Fuck it. Basically, just ask any question regarding emo-ness and ill jst say
Fuck it.

Well except mybe the bicentennial man and girl problems. Then I'll say Aww. Robin Williams playing the well off role of a robot trying to seek mortality. Makes alot of sense, yet somehow doesn't. or Fuck it- Argh, I still like her. I just want to jump up and down in delight then punch the wall in anger when I have a bad talk.

But come on. Just today I've seen 3 emo ppl, two stressed out ppl, someone who puts emotional pm's on their msn to convey emo-ness, but is actually for fun and a bro who actually misconstrued his logic and bitched about a bro unintentionally. Does that even happen???? Keep in mind. This is monday. Going to be a fucked up week lol....

I just want to say, life pushes you down so you can get back up, you need to fight on, Generic cheering up comment 1, Generic cheering up comment 2. Let's get with the system people! : P But hey-

You're tricking your brain into thinking that you're happy. : D

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Dream

One day, I hope to be able to be as random as these people (or at least get someone to do this with me. Pras, looking at you : P):

completely random lol

If you PHAIL at something, try these steps.

That chart actually works. ;P

Now children, rock music is the devil's music.

I'm bored as hell la.
Hopefully the plan to go out tomorrow comes around.

So yea...
*cricket sounds*
Watch this.